PALMS – Pancreas and Liver Meeting Support Group

Pancreas and Liver Meeting for Support!
We have been running since 2010 with our first official meeting being in January 2011. We support people who have had a pancreatic or liver cancer diagnosis, and those who have had an operation and/or treatment for these.
The purpose of our group is to support those with or recovering from pancreatic or liver cancer. We also support the partners, carers, friends and families of those people. We provide them with social contact and also somebody to talk to who has gone through the journey they are on.
The group meets at Vine house on the third Thursday of every month at 10am. The meeting usually lasts about two hours but can be longer if we have a special speaker talking to us that day. Coffee, tea and biscuits are provided to make it more of a social occasion.
CancerHelp’s Vine House Cancer Support Centre is based at 22 Cromwell Road in Ribbleton, Preston, PR2 6YB
Who to Contact:
For further information please contact: Sue, Welfare officer, on 07516 181542
The focus just now is on trying to attract new members and highlighting our group within Preston and the surrounding areas. We are currently planning our visits and speakers for the year ahead. We try to visit places of interest to all the group – Historic houses, mills, castles and exhibitions. We try to find areas that are free of charge – but with a cafe or restaurant so that we can enjoy our day out and contribute to the upkeep that way.
Our group, whilst focusing on Pancreatic and Liver conditions encourages anyone who has a cancer diagnosis to join us as sometimes there is no group that supports their type of cancer. We have a dedicated Welfare Officer (sound posh but really it is someone to talk to, who understands the importance of the support having been the partner of our first chairman). We also understand the impact and can empathise with the effects of radiotherapy, chemotherapy and surgery.